Sunday, March 29, 2009

2nd Day in France!!!

Yes mom, the begining is the same as the e-mail i sent you, there is more at the end, so just keep reading....Today has been really fun. We got up and had cresaunts (idk if thats how u spell it, probably not, haha) for breakfast. all i can say is that it was absolutly delicious. Then we went to the childrens museum. Hanna and I had a blast. WAAAAY more stuff for kids are age than in Wilmington. There was a room/hallway that was completely dark, we had to wear hardhats for when you accidentaly walk into a wall. the objective was to see what it was like to be blind. They had this thing u crawl through and there are ant farms in glass all around u. And another thing projected on a screen of rocks falling down and u stood on a mat and ur shadow was also on the screen and u could catch what fell in your shadow's hands. And a course of all different type of ground (sidewalk, carpet, tile, wood, gravel, stone, bumpy, sand, ect.) and u had to sit in a wheelchair and we what it was like and how hard it was to roll yourself around on some of the ground, there was also a stroller you had to push over it and you could walk with braces on tour arms that connected to your wrist and were like canes. Camille could not come because she had homework, so her mom took us. Then we all met up for lunch at a steakhouse =] I had a burger with bacon and it came with barbeque sauce =] they even had french fries. haha. It was delicious. Then Camille, Hanna, and I took the tram to the ice skating rink and met up with almost all of the group. The event was not a planned activity by the teachers, but all the French kids decided it would be fun. =] there were 2 rinks, one had a DJ in the middle and a disco ball, the other was a hockey rink, they connected. Then we came home and hung out. Ate dinner- Soup with veggies, and sausage, and a dessert like strawbery shortcake but it had strwberries, pinnaples and bananas yuummm =). Then I took a shower, and here I am.
Wow, that was VEEERRRYYY detailed!!
Goodnight (Bonsoir) =]
Luv ya mama and Timmaay


  1. Bonsoir ma cherie!
    Sweet dreams.
    Love and miss you. Rest up for more adventures in France tomorrow!!

  2. is camille the girl you are staying with?
    im confused? is this lik a foreign exchange student type deal?

    ily and miss you!!!!!

